Rick Crandall

Rick Crandall

Maroon Peak – the main peak of the Maroon Bells

The Maroon Bells near Aspen are generally recognized as the most photographed peaks in North America, especially during Fall colors. Climbing them is an adventure – a mix of pleasures – Class 3 rock climbing, dealing with a notoriously loose mountian,...
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Pyramid Peak – a Dream Climb

Pyramid Peak near Aspen, one of the most challenging fourteeners with its narrow ledges, Leap of Faith, Class 4 Green Wall and the impressive Amphitheater; climbed during fall aspen colors with climbing expert Andy Mishmash.
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Mt. Shavano – East Slopes

Mt. Shavano with its Angel of Shavano gully is the flagship fourteener associated with the town of Salida: the “angel” can be seen with arms raised insdie the yellow circle. Also in this article are pragmatic mountain weather forecasting notes mainly...
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Longs Peak – Camping at 12,700′ – Keyhole Route

Longs Peak is one of the most aggressive Class 3 mountains featuring named pitches starting at the "keyhole." The "ledges", "the trough," "the narrows," and "homestretch."
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Mount of the Holy Cross – A Colorado Iconic Mountain – North Ridge

A famous Colorado fourteener for its snow-gully Cross and proclaimed Holy Cross National Monument by Herbert Hoover, it is the subject of the poem “The Cross of Snow” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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Grizzly Peak “A” 13,995′ – East Ridge

Grizzly Peak is the tallest of all 584 thirteeners in Colorado. We did some route finding to get the best way up – and got up close and personal with "gendarmes."
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Sunlight Peak – a Beauty in the San Juans

Sunlight Peak is great rock climbing fun and in the most beautiful Range in Colorado. It is accessed from Chicago Basin which is accessed by a 7 mile backpack after riding an historic narrow-gauge train ride and jumping off between Durango and Silverton.
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Culebra Peak from San Luis, Colorado’s Oldest Town

Culebra Peak is the only privately-owned fourteener. It is accessed from San Luis, only 8 miles from the New Mexico border. The town, formed in 1851, has the striking "Chapel of All Saints and a world-famous shrine called Stations of the Cross.
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Invention in San Francisco: 80 Years before Silicon Valley

The 1890's: Pioneering risk-takers defined by the California Gold Rush; battle-tested by the 1906 earthquake; Charlie Fey invents the Liberty Bell slot machine creating an industry that persists to this day.
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Las Torres del Paine in the Chilean Patagonia

Near the tip of South America, highly sculptured towers and horns emerging abruptly from the pampas. 65 miles of hiking accomplishing the “W” signature series to the Italian, French and British camps where climbers have attempted these fearsome towers...
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