1986 Adapso 25th Anniversary Keynote Speech
History of computer software and services; competition with IBM, history of Adapso advocacy; formation and growth of ADAPSO; Non-tariff trade barriers; software as a distinct industry; software international balance of payments; example of ADAPSO helping...
Penny Arcade – Mills Arcade
Caille coin-op machines; player pianos; coin-operated gambling; trade stimulators; Automatic Chime Bells; Toledo Orchestrion; Berliner Multiphone; music boxes;
The Automatic Harp invented by J.W. Whitlock and popularized by the Wurlitzer Company. Whitlock was a classic American inventor, business leader and entrepreneur who became the heart and soul of Rising Sun, Indiana in the early 1900’s. His life, his...
Gabel’s Automatic Entertainer
1905 first record-changing multi-selection phonograph invented by John Gabel; His Automatic Machine and Tool Company competed with Victor coin operated phonograph; early competitive tactics; coin op jukebox; automatic talking machine; automatic acoustic...
Invention of Graphical Executive Information Systems EIS)
influence of Xerox PARC visit in 1978; Xerox Alto; first mouse, icons, graphical human interfaces; GUI,WYSIWYG, development of Executive Information Systems 1984; EIS; touch screen graphical human factors; Commander EIS; Executive use of computers; executive...
Diary Disclosures of John Gabel, A Pioneer In Automatic Music
The Gabel Automatic Entertainer dates to 1905 and is the very first disc record-changing multi-selection phonograph invented by John Gabel; His Automatic Machine and Tool Company competed with Victor in massive patent fights that Gabel finally won. The...
Popper Orchestrion
1910 German-made mechanical orchestra shipped through newly-opened Panama Canal to Nevada City, California to play in a gold rush saloon owned by Ernie Schreiber. Named the Popper Felix orchestrion, it has extensive instrumentation for playing classical...
1981 Scene Magazine Cover Story
Comshare history; Comshare timeline chronology; transition from timesharing to software; Execuchart mouse based graphics terminal; Executive team Kevin Kalkhoven; Dick Eidswick; Ian McNaught Davis; Don Devine; Wally Wrathall; Ann Arbor, Michigan’s focus...
1981 Ann Arbor Scene Magazine Article
Coin-operated musical instruments; Gay 90’s America; coin-op nickelodeon Encore Automatic Banjo; Mills Novelty Company slot machines; Violano Virtuoso automatic violin player; scuba underwater photography; Wildflower photography.
Boyer Coin-Op Museum
1930’s Alden Scott Boyer created Chicago Coin Club and the Chicago Coin Device Museum; first coin-op machines museum; roll-operated musical instruments; player piano; coin-operated machines; perforated roll music; pneumatic mechanisms; collecting coin-op...