Apple 1: The Microcomputer Emerges
Steve Wosniak and Steve Jobs invention of the Apple 1; formation of Apple Computer Company; major improvement over the Teletype; forshadowing the eventual decline of timesharing; Southwest Technical Products PR 40 alphanumeric printer for Apple I; Larry...
Ultimate Music Collectible: Automatic Violin-Piano
Phonoliszt-Violina: In the 1900 to 1930's the automatic music machine replaced live performers accelerated by union pressures for uneconomic rates for performers. Many types of player pianos, orchestrions, and violin and banjo players) grew rapidly as...
Grizzly Peak “A” 13,995′ – East Ridge
Grizzly Peak is the tallest of all 584 thirteeners in Colorado. We did some route finding to get the best way up – and got up close and personal with "gendarmes."