Engelhardt Banjorchestra
1915 coin-operated mechanical orchestra with banjo made by Engelhardt Piano Company; helped make ragtime a national music form;; music by National Music Roll Co.;
1989 Software Magazine Cover Story
Comshare partnership with IBM; EIS marketplace; IBM Cooperative Software Agreement: competition in Executive Information Systems; Execuchart; EIS Briefing Book; IBM Systems Application Architecture, SAA partners; Dow Jones partnership with a software...
Peerless – First Coin Pianos
The Peerless line of coin-op player pianos, nickelodeons and orchestrions were the earliest roll-operated coin-operated music machines on the market; Companies involved were the Roth & Engelhardt Co., Peerless Piano Player Co., National Music Roll Co.,...
1986 Adapso 25th Anniversary Keynote Speech
History of computer software and services; competition with IBM, history of Adapso advocacy; formation and growth of ADAPSO; Non-tariff trade barriers; software as a distinct industry; software international balance of payments; example of ADAPSO helping...
Penny Arcade – Mills Arcade
Caille coin-op machines; player pianos; coin-operated gambling; trade stimulators; Automatic Chime Bells; Toledo Orchestrion; Berliner Multiphone; music boxes;
The Automatic Harp invented by J.W. Whitlock and popularized by the Wurlitzer Company. Whitlock was a classic American inventor, business leader and entrepreneur who became the heart and soul of Rising Sun, Indiana in the early 1900’s. His life, his...